Unlimited Membership
$279 / Month
- Unlimited voice lessons throughout the entire 12-month year
- Unlimited lengths of lessons (online time slots are based on 25-minute modules, so a lesson can be 25, 50, or 75 minutes as desired)
- Unlimited 24/7 online booking access to MyMusicStaff calendar
- Unlimited access to all studio sheet music & monologues in both online and printed form (online shared folders containing all currently PDF’d music & all currently-PDF’d monologues will be available to every student starting the last week of August)
- Unlimited access to all studio piano accompaniment tracks (an online shared folder containing all backing tracks will be available starting the last week of August)
- Unlimited online reschedules & online no-fee cancellations as needed by students’ & families’ busy performance, rehearsal, & life schedules
- Unlimited coverage of all associated costs for the studio’s annual Duets Performance outreach at a retirement community
Premium Unlimited Membership
$397 / Month
- Unlimited voice lessons throughout the entire 12-month year
- Unlimited lengths of lessons (online time slots are based on 25-minute modules, so a lesson can be 25, 50, or 75 minutes as desired)
- Unlimited 24/7 online booking access to MyMusicStaff calendar
- Unlimited access to all studio sheet music & monologues in both online and printed form (online shared folders containing all currently PDF’d music & all currently-PDF’d monologues will be available to every student starting the last week of August)
- Unlimited access to all studio piano accompaniment tracks (an online shared folder containing all backing tracks will be available starting the last week of August)
- Unlimited online reschedules & online no-fee cancellations as needed by students’ & families’ busy performance, rehearsal, & life schedules
- Unlimited coverage of all associated costs for the studio’s annual Duets Performance outreach at a retirement community
- Unlimited registration costs fully covered for all vocal auditions/competitions participated in by LaVoce Studios (see * below for expected costs): NATS; NVMTA’s Music Theatre competition (fall), Voice Achievements classical competition (spring), & general association recital performances; NFMC’s vocal festival; Hal Leonard online vocal competition; Classical Singer competition; etc
- Tuition covers 50% of all accompanist costs (both rehearsal & performance) for all LaVoce performance events (competitions, recitals, performances, etc)
- 50% discount on all LaVoce Studios training events during the academic school year, such as the 4-week September series of online master classes from Las Vegas’ Amanda Kaiser; other upcoming masterclasses; & all other LVS training events. (NOTE: summer camps/intensives may require a different discount percentage depending on which other studios are co-sponsoring them & what their financial requirements are.)
- Discounted costs for select SingDC events: 25% off for the Sunday, January 5, 2020 Mock College Auditions for LaVoce students; 25% off the planned Summer 2020 version of “God, I Hope I Get In!,” a college-admission workshop geared toward MT college program admittance; & 25% off other SingDC events as they arise. (NOTE: summer camps/intensives may require a different discount percentage depending on which other studios are co-sponsoring them & what their financial requirements are.)